This summer we purchased a moisture sensor from Spectrum Technologies. The TDR 300. This mobile tool allows us to take moisture readings anywhere on the golf course. With the purchase of additional probes we are able to take readings at 1.5", 3.5" and 8". Currently we are taking readings on greens at 3.5".
As of this past week we implemented another job for the individual who changes the hole locations. It's during this time in the morning when we will take 9 readings on every green, every day. When turned on the tool resets itself and for each of the 9 reading it will also tell the accumulative average. So each morning we are able to have the average moisture reading of each individual green. We will use these numbers to base our irrigation practices after and it will provide us with the information to know what greens will require water first and how far we can push the greens before they reach a wilt point.
After working on the course for the past 14 years I did not need this tool to tell us what greens are our wettest and which ones are typically our driest. But now with the information we have we can do a better job of fine tuning each green and do a better job of matching moisture from green to green. We are also going to have a better idea of how far we can stretch irrigation cycles before we need to re-wet the profile.
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