Most Superintendents will tell you the weakest areas on their fairways are on the perimeters and high traffic areas. The fairway edges tend to be where the highest population of poa annua exists. This is primarily due to fairway mowers creating compaction as well as cart traffic from golf carts and maintenance equipment traffic. On our fairways we have a great deal of creeping bentgrass, but on our edges there is a high amount of poa that needs to get converted to creeping bentgrass. We will be putting a great deal of effort into converting these areas this summer as well as making the stand of turf that exists healthier.
In order to work at the conversion we will be increasing our aeration efforts to combat the compaction issue and we will be making more frequent soluble fertility applications in order to keep these areas healthy and maintain a good dense stand of turf.
This morning Asst. Supt. Nick Folk made an application of Ammonium Sulfate to the perimeters of the fairways. We have set up Boom-Buster nozzles on the back of our 400 gallon sprayer. With this set-up we are able to spray all of the fairway perimeters with only 2 tank applications. With such an easy application process we will easily be able to make these applications throughout the season to keep the perimeters areas healthy.
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