Yesterday the greens were mowed for the first time this season. There is nothing like fresh smell of cut grass and after a long 5 month absence from cutting turf. Before greens could be cut they also had to be cleared of debris, so back-pack blowers were used to clean the surface. This was followed by the task of rolling the greens. Due to the soil heaving from frost we want to make sure the surface is smooth before we put the first cut on the greens. Typically the first cut is set higher than normal and as we progress into the season and as the turf begins to grow we will slowly lower the height of cut.
The practice range will open today at 11:00am and the golf course will open on Thursday at 11:00am. Golfers will required to hit form the mats for the first couple of weeks at the range. We avoid hitting off the turf until soil and air temperatures are warm enough to germinate seed so we can begin the healing process in the divots created by the players.
We are all looking forward to another GREAT season here at The Minikahda Club